Computers for Schools
In 2010, the highly esteemed and multiple-award winning Computers for Schools program reached its incredible goal of refurbishing and recycling one million used government and business computers and distributing them to Canadian schools free of charge! The spectacular achievements of this program are the result of a dedicated partnership effort between the Canadian Pioneers and Industry Canada.
A Book About Me
A Book About ME! is a personalized reader developed for children ages 4-7. Self-concept can begin to develop between the ages of two and six, so it is critical that children experience positive home, school, and community environments at an early age. Using a story in which the reader is the main character, along with two of their friends – the book appeals to a child’s curiosity and makes the reading experience more enjoyable and inviting.
Playground Maps
One of the most visible of all Pioneer programs these graphic works of art can be found in school yards across the U.S. and Canada.
Talking Book Repairs
For close to 50 years, the Talking Book Repair program has brought the joy of the printed word to those who cannot see. In cooperation with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, and under the guidance of our Pioneer Talking Book Repair Coordinators, Pioneers lead a national refurbishing initiative that helped thousands of blind and visually impaired people each year. Although the repair of these machines is no longer required because of technology change – our Pioneers across Canada continue to forge new partnerships with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.
The 911 Call Simulator
Pioneers developed the portable 911 Call Simulator to teach children how to phone for help in an emergency and now present the device for youngsters in some 25,000 classrooms each year! The advantage of our unit is that it truly simulates the reality of the call, demonstrating that a call to 911 is serious business and not at all a game. Dialing, dial tone, ringing and talking with the operator is as real as can be. The 911 Call Simulator even re-creates the sound of an approaching ambulance!
Hug-a-Bears, Smart Bears & Heart Pillows
One of our most popular programs ever – we stopped counting the homemade teddies we’ve distributed when we hit 2 million! Hug-a-Bears have made the Today Show and traveled all around the world. These cuddly bears are primarily used by police, fire and emergency relief units in comforting children in traumatic situations.
Habitat for Humanity
Since 1997, when Pioneers formally joined forces with Habitat for Humanity International, we have shared the common goal of improving the quality of life for poor, hardworking families by helping to provide low-cost housing.
Junior Achievement
Pioneers participate in Junior Achievement stay-in-school programs and the annual Groundhog Job Shadow mentoring initiative.